2011年6月27日 星期一

Symptoms of Twitter Addiction

There are specific symptoms of Twitter addiction. Some would claim you can't use Twitter too much, but in that case you need to read this article. Twitter is good for building social relations, but you can take it too far. If you begin writing too many tweets or retweeting many others, and none of them fit the niche you are targetting, and you don't show any concern for those following you, you might be suffering from Twitter addiction.

Don't let that happen to you. It's important to take good care of those following you, and it's better not to write anything for a time than to abuse your license to tweet.

Similarly, you don't have to check your Twitter constantly. The best tool for keeping track of your Twitter timeline is installing a tool such as TweetDeck which allows you to see updates in real-time. That will save you numerous logins to the Twitter website, and will relieve some of the stress involved with checking up on Twitter.

Twitter addiction is a question of balancing your use of Twitter. When you handle your use of Twitter correctly, it should be of value to all - both your followers and those you follow.

When it comes to micro-blogging there should be a variety in smalltalk and effective communication. You can win a lot by participating at all levels - both socially and work-related. It requires good quality control on your part to get positive results without overdoing it.

Twitter addiction becomes a problem when you pay undue attention to tweets as though you have to read everything that comes out. This will reduce your online credibility and ultimately diminish the effect of your use of Twitter.

Personally, I recommend people read Twitter Power written by Joel Comm, because he offers many effective tips on how to master Twitter without being stressed, and he advocates the proper balance between tweets and retweets that show you are mindful and specific in targetting your niches. Joel did the experiment of deleting all the people he followed just to see how many would unfollow him. He barely lost any followers because they were all involved in sharing and fellowshipping. These people were not concerned about whether he followed them back, but enjoyed his tweets. That should be our primary focus when using Twitter.

You can overcome the effects of Twitter addiction, and I hope this article has helped you identify a more balanced use of Twitter.

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Computer Games Addiction

With the enormous rise in the popularity - and affordability - of computer games and equipment, computer games addiction is becoming increasingly more widespread. Added to the aforementioned facts, high speed internet connections and the reliability of these connections mean that internet gaming can be played continuously without loss of connection and this can also contribute significantly to the addiction.

It is increasingly more common that online games players are spending more time in front of their computer, building their virtual characters and environments to higher levels thus competing with other online players. This addiction is a way for the person to escape from their regular life in the real world. Often, fantasy overcomes reality.

We, as parents of these teens, or even young children, often find it a struggle to find methods that will return our child to a normal life. This is because treating this is not like treating other addictions because you cannot, usually, completely remove the computer from their lives. Schools, internet cafes and their friends are all areas where the source of their addiction can be found - the computer. In extreme cases, this can work with young children, however, with teens or adults, it is not really an option because they can usually acquire a computer themselves.

There are several ways to determine if the person is suffering from computer games addiction. The first, and most significant warning sign, is if they are spending upwards of 6 hours a day in front of their computer playing games. Any changes in personality, for instance, irritability, bursts of anger, social withdrawal. These are usually good indicators that addiction is taking hold. The treatment of this addiction must begin immediately as soon as the warning signs are noticed.

It may simply be that the computer game addict loses all track of time when playing his or her games. You can combat this sign of this by placing a simple timer close to their computer. Have it set for a set amount of time (usually, two hours is a good start). Suggest to the addict that once the timer goes off they should take a breather and do something else. Suggest that a walk in the sunshine and fresh air will clear their head and thoughts.

Think on this!! Computer game addiction could be fatal. I have read a report where a young man was obsessed with playing a game on the computer. He lost his job because he took time off work to play his game. His girlfriend, who was also addicted to playing the game, finished with him because he was spending too much time at the game. He spent 50 hours playing non-stop in an internet cafe. He collapsed with exhaustion and dehydration and suffered a cardiac arrest. He died before he got to hospital.

This is just one way in an attempt to cut down the amount of time spent by the addict at playing games on their computer. There are others and a bit of ingenuity will work wonders. While there is no quick, overnight cure for computer games addiction it must be realized that it is a long-term project which needs to be worked at on a day-to-day basis without fail.

http://www.computeraddictionanswers.com provides information on everything related to Computer Addiction. If you stop by our site you will get some education in different forms of computer addiction. Be sure to check out our page on computer games addiction.

2011年6月26日 星期日

Drug Addiction Symptoms And Methods Of Curing It

When an alcohol or drug addicted person finally realizes that he has become addicted and would like to get rid of this addiction, and then this can be considered as a first step towards that persons recovery from the addiction.

Many addicted people when confronted actually deny about their addiction and that they are mentally and physically dependent on these drugs. They take pains to tell us that their habit is just normal like the others. They fail to appreciate that they are deep into the addiction and once a person realizes his fault, he should take immediate steps to get himself admitted to a good addiction treatment centre. Taking an appropriate treatment for addiction is the only way to rid you of this nasty habit. There is no other effective way to overcome this habit.

Many effective steps are taken in the rehab centers which assist the drug addict to leave his addiction habit on permanent basis.

You can easily identify a drug addict if you observe the addiction symptoms thoroughly. Few of the symptoms of the drugs are:

1. You can easily see slight unexplained change in their usual attitude.

2. Deterioration in their physical condition.

3. The drug addicts usually sleep for longer durations which is quite unusual for a normal person.

4. Their speech becomes slurred with the drowsiness.

5. Their money requirement increases.

6. The drug addict eyes remain bloodshot red with pupils remaining dilated.

7. There is a sudden weight loss in the drug addicts.

8. There is total lack of concentration in their work.

9. Sudden fluctuation in mood from calmness to extreme anger.

The addicted person when admitted in the world class rehab center will get all the requisite facilities for treatment. These detoxification facilities work well for all addicted people. Here in this process, the toxic particles of drugs present in the addict are successfully eliminated by using certain special procedures.

However achieving success in the treatment is not everything, main problem arises when the effects of the drug withdrawal spring up. These effects can sometimes make the drug addict completely wild up to the level of madness which include intense mental and physical pain.

The highly trained staff at the rehab centers uses every possible procedure to keep their patients calm and assist them in getting out of the addiction with success.

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Addiction Suspicions and Solutions

How do you know if you are truly addicted; and what do you do if you discover you have become addicted to any form of drugs?

Depending on the type of drug, signs and symptoms of addiction may vary. There are some general signs and symptoms which may indicate drug addiction. General characteristics include easily recognizable signs of addiction.

If you feel you need the drug regularly or that you need it many times each day, this is an indication of addiction. If you have feelings like not being able to survive without the drug; or have tried to quit using it several times with no success this also is a sign of addiction. Another indicator of an addiction to any drug is when you feel like you just cannot deal with your problems without it readily available for use. Any of these scenarios indicate a serious addiction to a drug.

There may be any one of many reasons one became addicted to any drug. No one wakes up one morning and decides to become an addict. If you have a family history of drug addiction you have a higher probability of abusing drugs. If you have a history of mental illness, you are in a higher risk category. Peer pressure is a huge factor, especially in younger subjects. Someone who has untreated pain, or uncontrolled pain, is very susceptible to drug abuse. There are many other factors which can cause one to be more susceptible to drug abuse. Depression or sleeplessness is just two situations which may propel someone into dependency on drugs.

Many options are available for those who feel they have addictions. The first step in recovery is to realize there is a problem which needs attention. Unless this first step is taken, other steps toward recovery are useless. Once the situation is realized and faced it can then be dealt with in a healthy manner.

Recovery is a lifelong process. There are many ways to deal with it. You will need help from outside. A mentor or friend who has successfully been through a drug rehab program and has been successful in beating the addiction in his own life is an excellent resource. Dealing with drug use is an ongoing process. There must be a reprogramming of coping skills and ways of dealing with everyday life. Your body, brain and emotions all need to go through the process of relearning.

There are many sources available as one progress toward recovery. A good support group is a must! Many times professional help is needed and perhaps a rehabilitation program. Wherever one chooses to go for help, strong family and friend support is imperative for a healthy recovery process. A little research will unveil many sources available for those addicted to drugs on any level; and for friends and family of those who are addicted.

To read more about symptoms and how to overcome drug, alcohol, or masturbation addiction then visit the comprehensive addiction site.

2011年6月25日 星期六

The Value of Prescription Drug Addiction Forums

A forum is a place where a group of people comes together to discuss a common issue. With the rise of the Internet, many forums are now conducted online. These online forums, also called newsgroups, are good places for people to get information or share their feelings and opinions. Forums usually have a constant general topic with other subtopics suggested. There are forums on nearly every topic imaginable, from collecting baseball cards to fixing classic cars to prescription drug addiction.

A prescription drug addiction forum is a good place for people to get information about prescription drug addiction, how prescription drug addiction is harmful, and how to kick a prescription drug addiction. A prescription drug addiction forum is often set up and run by a rehabilitation facility. These forums usually have information about a wide variety of treatments and rehabilitation, not just about the group conducting the forum.

Prescription drug addiction forums are usually filled with personal stories about how people became addicted to the drugs, what effects the addiction had on their lives and general health, and how they got treatment. Some forums may focus on one prescription drug in particular or a class of prescription drugs, others may deal with all kinds of drugs.

Prescription drug addiction forums, like most online forums, require users to register before they can participate in the discussion. Registration is usually free, and is mostly anonymous. People usually don't have to give any personal information beyond a user name, password, and sometimes an e-mail address. This is good for people who want information and support but are not yet willing to admit that they have a problem and need help. Friends and family members of prescription drug addicts can use forums also. They can get information about conducting interventions, or other ways of helping their loved ones realize that they have a problem.

A prescription drug addiction forum is an excellent source for information, support, and inspiration for anyone affected by prescription drug addiction. These forums provide anonymous, controlled settings where people can find out what they need to know to get help.

Prescription Drugs Addiction Info provides detailed information about prescription drug addition symptoms, treatment, statistics, and forums, as well as personal prescription drug addiction stories. Prescription Drugs Addiction Info is the sister site of Drug Testing Web.

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2011年6月24日 星期五

Drug Abuse Or Drug Addiction - The Physical Signs

Drug abuse or drug addiction produces significant and identifiable physical signs. Recognition of these is often the first step towards helping this person towards recovery.

The sooner these signs are recognized, brought to the forefront and addressed, the more likely catastrophic consequences can be avoided. It is not a realistic option to ignore a drug problem and simply hope it goes away. Drug abuse and drug addiction is progressive it will always get worse.

The following is a list of the physical symptoms for the most commonly abused substances:


Marijuana works on the parts of the brain affecting emotion regulation and memory. Symptoms will include being spaced out, glazed eyes, sleepiness. Often there is loud talking or inappropriate silliness and laughter. There may be fatigue, reduced concentration and coordination. Not uncommon is a loss if interest in formerly pleasurable hobbies or activities. There may be a general loss of motivation along with weight gain or loss, and altered perceptions.

Central nervous system depressants (includes barbiturates and tranquilizers):

Symptoms often include a slowed down breathing rate, slow response time to conversation or activities, and difficulty concentrating along with confusion. There may be clumsiness and lack of coordination, sleepiness, memory loss, and depression.

Central nervous system stimulants

Symptoms will include euphoria and increased activity, 'going hyper or manic'. With prolonged use, it is very common for paranoia to develop. There is usually a decreased desire for food and a loss of appetite with significant weight loss. There are sleep disruptions either not feeling the need for sleep or going for longer periods of time without sleep, Convulsions, an increased heartbeat, rapid heart rate and depression, usually as the stimulation of the drug wears off, the highs are higher, but the lows are lower. Details on two common stimulants, cocaine and Meth are next.


Those who have been abusing or are addicted to cocaine for a relatively short term will experience the immediate physical effects of increased blood pressure, increased energy, talking a lot, decreased appetite and need for sleep. Other physical symptoms may include: hyper-alertness, rapid heart rate, and increased temperature.

People who have been abusing the substance for a long time will experience many of the above as, greater increase in mood swings, and greater impairment of mental judgment and capacity. The cumulative physical effects of these symptoms include heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, convulsions, nausea, and coma.


Those who abuse this substance will have similar, if not some of the exact same symptoms as those listed above but also hallucinations, twitching and jerking movements, and rotting teeth. Few drugs produce more physical damage than methamphetamines.


Symptoms of opiate abuse will include numbness to pain, lethargy, confusion, decreased breathing rate, anxiety, vomiting, constipation, and needle marks; after prolonged excessive use such symptoms such as infections of the heart lining, skin sores/abscesses, and respiratory problems may also develop.

A Final Tip: People who abuse or are addicted to drugs become masters of the cover up. They may provide plausible excuses for their behavior and physical state. The giveaway is that over time, the physical symptoms will get worse, it is important to stay alert to changes over time when trying to identify signs of drug abuse and drug addiction.

And now I would like to invite you to access even more detailed information on drug abuse symptoms [http://addictionrecoverybasics.com/alcoholism-faq] at our Authority Site. You may also claim our Free, massive Recovery Help Resource Guide. To gain instant access, visit us at: http://AddictionRecoveryBasics.com.

Thank you from Bill Urell and the Addiction Recovery Basics Network.

2011年6月23日 星期四

The Psychology of Addiction

On why addiction is largely a state of the mind so addicts are more addicted to their addiction, the temporary feeling of pleasure, rather than the drugs...

Addiction is primarily psychological although addiction is defined according to the physiological changes in the body, and addiction continues to be considered as a social, cultural, genetic and experiential process as well. Addictive behaviour could be explained as any behaviour that gives temporary or short term pleasure and also provides relief from discomfort although there may be long term adverse effects.

Addiction is generally described as dependence on any drug and results from substance abuse. Any drug or alcohol can produce addiction as can other things such as the internet, gaming, gadgets, chocolates etc. However the physical and psychological effects of drugs and alcohol are detrimental and actually result in loss of productivity, withdrawal and physical dependence and lack of attention and such other conditions. The primary feature of addiction is dependence as an individual shows increased psychological and physiological dependence on the substance he is addicted to and without the addictive substance the person is unable to return to normal life.

Dependence on anything may not be too bad and some amount of social dependence is expected of us as social beings. However when there is excessive dependence with inability to live without the substance in question, then withdrawal symptoms result and there are physiological changes in the body including pain and in some cases medical attention is required. Addiction is an extreme dependence and can cause people to lose sense of reality as people become cripple without the substance they are addicted to. Addiction leads to crime and anti-social behaviour as addicts can resort to violent behaviour, to stealing, to murder simply to attain what they want. Addiction to a substance could be separated from healthy use of the substance such as some amount of alcohol is considered acceptable and healthy in a social setting but being completely dependent on alcohol to that which amounts to addiction can have adverse social and personal implications for the individual. Some of the common addictive drugs and substances are opium, alcohol, nicotine and barbiturates. Giving up any addiction, requires strength and this is largely the strength of the mind that aids in stopping any addictive behaviour. Thus if addiction is a disease, the cure of addiction or even its prevention is largely a psychological process suggesting that the 'mind' is responsible for the addiction, the beginning of it and also the end of it.

Using addictive substances stimulate and release the pleasure inducing neurotransmitters in the brain and the dependence on this feeling of pleasure leads to more such pleasure seeking behaviour and this can spiral out of control and doesn't remain within the control of the individual who then is completely controlled by his addiction rather than the other way round. Withdrawal or abstinence symptoms of an addictive substance could include anxiety, depression, craving, irritability, restlessness or even thoughts of suicide with fatal consequences. Craving, irritability, depression, anxiety are all psychological withdrawal symptoms of addiction although closely related to the physical withdrawal symptoms. So addiction is largely in the mind and if a person wants, he or she can overcome this extreme dependence on an activity or a substance through self control and with better insight into his condition.

Why do people develop addiction?

People who develop addiction are more prone to mental illnesses as addiction has been related to mood or affective disorders, to neurotic illnesses and obsessive disorders, to anxiety disorders and many other psychological problems. Addiction is largely akin to compulsion or the need to repeat any particular behaviour in an abnormal dependent manner and addiction like compulsion is an abnormal dependence. Addicts are obsessed with the substance or objects or activity that they are addicted to and show an abnormal dependence on the substance or activity. Individuals with mood disorders or people prone to frequent depression are prone to addiction as any addictive substance or drug or even activity such as sex that gives short term pleasure can cause the addict to return to this activity or substance again and again so that the depression is forgotten for a while. This need for short term pleasure leads to repeated pleasure seeking behaviour and thus creates addiction.

All human beings are necessarily pleasure seekers, we all like to experience that is good or beautiful or provides a moment of happiness but addicts are in turn addicted to this pleasure as well. In fact addicts are addicted to the pleasure and not to the drugs, which are simply catalysts to provide them this pleasure. The drugs and the objects as also the activities that they repeatedly engage in provide them a solace that they feel they would not find in other options. There are of course chemical changes in the body so there are substantive proofs that addicts do get short term pleasure. Thus a drug addict repeated uses drug because it provides a particular form of pleasure that he will not get by say watching films and a sex addict repeatedly seeks sex because the pleasure from sex according to her may not be found in other activities such as travelling or reading. However this is only a belief that the addict has and is not necessarily true. In fact there is a sort of fixation of want, and an obsession with the object of want so an addict repeatedly thinks about this want and convinces himself that without the addictive substance he will not be able to survive. When love becomes an addiction, it can lead to suicide or fatal consequences when the object of desire is not attained.

Addicts are thus obsessed and largely depressed individuals who sometimes use the obsession against the depression or to overcome the depression. They are socially withdrawn although they may apparently have a huge circle of friends with whom they may not be able to relate at all levels. Addicts are also susceptible to suggestion and they are vulnerable to opinions of other people. Strange that it may sound, it is easy to mould or change addicts and also easy to hypnotize them as they are very impressionable and easily affected by what people and society have to say about them. This weakness of addicts is also their strength as both negative and positive influences can act equally well on addicts and the right guidance would be necessary to show them what is good for them and what is bad.

How is addiction controlled and stopped?

Stopping or overcoming any addiction could be a challenge but as addicts are changeable and affected easily, it may be relatively easy to bring them back to normal life provided they have the right type of guidance and counselling.

One of the strategies that could be used to cure addictive behaviour would be 'diversion', providing alternative substances/activities or shifting their attention or interest into something other than the addictive substance or object. As a TV addict could be encouraged to develop more constructive habits of reading for instance.

'Substitution' would be another method and a person addicted to alcohol could be encouraged to take a drink that tastes like wine but does not contain alcohol.

'Eradication' or complete unavailability of the addictive substance or object can gradually lead to forgetting the pleasure giving substance and interests in other activities. The complete unavailability of a drug, even a sleeping pill can lead to lessening of addiction for that drug and help the addict to develop other interests, although this should not be done abruptly as physiological and psychological symptoms of withdrawal may result. So if someone is addicted to a specific medicine or pill, the doses could be slowly reduced before completely stopping intake of the drug.

Finally 'suggestion' or counselling to change behaviour highlighting the bad effects of a drug or an obsessive activity could be effective at a later stage after withdrawal from the drug or activity has been attempted as when in need of any substance, addicts lose all sense of reality and may not even want to listen to advice. So, only when their dependence reduces to an extent with the help of the other methods of substitution, eradication or diversion, counselling could help them to show more reasonable and socially responsible behaviour and prevent further conditions of relapse.

Reflections in Psychology - Part I - by Saberi Roy (2009)

Saberi Roy - Books

Quit Smoking Symptoms Online

There comes a time in our lives when we know deep down that it is time to quit smoking. I mean logically we know that smoking is unhealthy for us, we also know scientifically that the effects of smoking cigarettes have both long and short term health disasters associated with the habit, yet many of us smokers still continue to chug away.

Hypnotherapy, deep breathing exercises as well as drinking large amounts of water is also known to reduce some of the symptoms of quitting smoking. There are some herbal remedies from essential oils to eating particular herbs, seeds or nuts that can also reduce a number of the symptoms. A change in your diet might aid you in more ways than one. Consulting your doctor or physician would be recommended especially if you choose to quit smoking with medication or you may find yourself experiencing another lot of side effects from the medication not to mention the general quit smoking symptoms, therefor consulting your doctor or physician should be at the top of your list.

With any addiction, symptoms or side effects are imminent, it's just the way it goes, but if you could look into the future exactly one month from now, knowing that you made the right decision, knowing that you gave it everything you had to quit smoking whilst overcoming the symptoms of quitting would you smile, I'm guessing absolutely!

In the past I tried to quit several times to date, with every attempt, I have experienced a number of different symptoms whilst I attempted to quit such as:


Lack of concentration

Increased appetite

Continuous coughing



Although these symptoms may seem too much for a smoker to bear, let me tell you first hand that it's worth every second and every minute if you are able to successfully quit. There are a number of quit smoking products on the market that will help alleviate some of these symptoms however as mentioned above facing up to each quit smoking symptom is something you will have to bear as each day passes by. But on a brighter note it will get easier if you use the right products or system.

Fortunately there is a quit smoking system that may be able to alleviate not only one of the above quite smoking systems but all of them for you. Stop being a prisoner to those cigarettes and make the positive change in your life today. Take a proactive step forward and quit smoking in the next five minutes with the successful Easy Quit System.

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2011年6月22日 星期三

Alcoholism Withdrawal - Withdrawal Symptoms Associated With Alcohol Addiction

In hindsight, and only after recovering from acute alcoholism, it may seem easy to have recovered from an alcohol addiction. However while you are fighting alcoholism, and going through the withdrawal symptoms. you will feel as though it is one of the most difficult challenges of your life. In most cases, it is.

Entering the fight against alcohol addiction requires an honest knowledge and understanding of what you are up against, the challenges that lie ahead of you. Regardless of what anybody else tells you, fighting alcoholism is not as easy as just not drinking anymore.

Emotional Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Alcoholism

Even in an acute alcoholism, the following alcoholism symptoms can be overwhelming, though mild compared to the alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a more severe case of alcohol addiction.

Feeling nervous or jumpy
Extremely irritable, and/or easily excited
Constantly moody, with rapid and frequent mood changes
Difficulty thinking clearly or focusing
Suffering bad dreams
Fatigue or exhaustion

In a more severe case of alcoholism, the preceding symptoms will occur as well as:

A state of confusion
Extreme agitation

Physical Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Alcoholism

Those fighting a severe case of alcoholism withdrawal will experience much more pain than a person recovering from an acute alcoholism. To be blunt, the sooner you fight alcohol addiction the better. However, it is never too late, because none of the withdrawal symptoms are as bad as what a life of alcohol addiction will put you through.

Frequent headaches
Sweating, particularly in the palms and face
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Increased heart rate
Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
Enlarged or dilated pupils

In a fight against more a more severe addiction to alcohol, one will also be likely to suffer:

Fevers (dangerously high temperatures)
Black outs

Understanding Alcoholism Symptoms of Withdrawal

Knowing what you're up against can help you make an informed decision on forming a strategy to fight an addiction to alcohol. The bottom line is that withdrawal symptoms alone can often be a trigger to start drinking again, and no ground will be covered.

An alcohol rehab center is the only place to attempt withdrawing from alcohol. Detoxifying completely is only the first step, and even if you can make it through the withdrawal symptoms without the assistance of a professional medical staff to help you ease your way through the battle where will you go from there?

Beyond the Withdrawal Symptoms of Alcoholism

Beneath the surface of alcoholism, and inability to quit successfully without professional guidance, there is at least one hidden trigger that has led you to the road of alcohol addiction. Fighting your way through the withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism is the first step. Next, you need to seek ongoing counseling, to find the trigger(s) and work through that. Even if you decide to quit drinking on your own, without seeking the help of a detox center, you should see a counselor that can work with you to turn down a different path towards a better life, free of addiction.

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2011年6月21日 星期二

Sexual Addiction Symptoms

Another serious addiction that can cause irreparable harm to a person's life is sexual addiction. Sexual addiction has been defined as "engaging in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others" by the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity.

Sexual addiction works much like any other addiction, in that a person has to continually intensify the behavior in order to keep achieving the same level of satisfaction they experienced when the addiction first began. The major difference between an addiction to something like drugs or alcohol and an addiction to sex is that sex is a normal, often required, healthy human activity. Consuming drugs and alcohol is not. A person suffering from this problem will often see their lives go down the tubes because of it, losing money, relationships, and even ending up behind bars when their addiction pushes them to commit illegal activities. Many sex offenders are sex addicts, though not all of them, and not all sex addicts become sex offenders. Some sex addicts do not allow their obsession to take them beyond compulsory masterbation, internet porn, and phone sex services. Nonetheless, even these activities can create serious problems in a relationship and in the addict's finances.

Some of the symptoms of sex addiction include a person who feels continually compelled to seek out multiple sexual partners, becomes fixated on an unattainable partner, uses a string of partners for sexual satisfaction, masterbates compulsively, and becomes compulsively involved in love and sexual relationships. The addict will often continue to participate in dangerous sexual behaviors despite health and financial risks, the destruction of close relationships, and the possibility of imprisonment. Legal issues can occur when a sex addict begins to partake in activities such as indecent exposure in public, attempting to spy on people in their bedrooms, making obscene phone calls, or committing sexual assaults. Sex addicts whose criminal impulses are beyond their control often have to be kept imprisoned in order to keep them away from society.

The good news is that there are resources that exist to help sex addicts overcome their addiction. There are outreach groups such as Sex Addicts Anonymous. A sex addict only need speak to their doctor to get a recommendation for counseling and therapy. One of the most important devices for any addict to overcome their issue is to have a good support network. Family members and friends are almost always willing to do whatever they can to help a loved one beat an addiction. For an addict to have a person to call on when they are feeling weak who can help them stay strong is such a powerful tool. No one is expected to fight the demons of addiction alone, and there are many resources out there who can and will help.

To read more about symptoms and how to overcome drug, alcohol, or pornography addiction then visit the comprehensive addiction site.

Accidental Addiction to Pharmaceutical Drugs

Whenever a person suffers from any kind of ailment, he or she goes for painkillers to suppress the pain. Sometimes they consult the doctor and sometimes they do not. Taking these painkillers without consulting the doctor is the worst mistake any person commits. Use of painkillers for quite a long time without consulting the doctor often result to physical and mental dependence on it. Gradually this leads to addiction to painkillers. A lot of unfortunate cases of accidental opiate addiction have been reported. Whatever the reason of addiction is, the result is the same devastating. It ruins the life of the victim, if proper steps are not taken.

People suffering from certain ailments are often prescribed with strong painkillers. But, the level of dosage is very low. The tolerance levels of different people are different; people with high tolerance often get immune to the initial dosage of painkillers. After which they increase the dosage of the painkiller without consulting the doctor. Gradually they keep increasing the dosage of the painkillers. Slowly, after prolonged usage of the painkillers, the people get physically and mentally dependent on these medicines which results to addiction to painkillers.

The painkillers addicts always try to isolate themselves from other people and even family members. They try to hide their medicines from others and when they get out of stock, they consult the doctor reporting for fake ailments. The doctor without knowing prescribes them with more painkillers. Since, the painkillers are not illegal, the addicts do not find difficult to get them from any medical store.

Addiction to painkillers can only be stopped if the addicted person is admitted in a painkiller rehab. There is no other way to cure the person. If the person even tries to cure himself at home, there is no chance of getting success. The withdrawal effects of painkiller addiction are too much painful, as a result of which the person gets back to the addiction when the withdrawal effects show up. The painkiller addicts need extra care during this time to overcome the pain of the withdrawal effects.

This care can only be provided in a painkiller rehab. The medical staffs of the well renowned painkiller rehab are highly experienced; they know the exact way that can help the patient to get rid of the addiction. The immense care and comfort provided by these medical staffs are very effective for the complete cure of the drug addicted person.

Most drug rehabilitation centers cannot provide this facility of care and comfort, as a result of which the patients often run away from the rehabs being unable to tolerate the pain. Every opiate rehab should be situated at a discrete location far away from city life and should also provide enough comfort. A calm and soothing environment catalysis the treatment process and makes it very fast and easy. The patients need extreme comfort during the detoxification process so that they can find some peace to calm down their wild mind.

Cliffside Malibu is a luxury alcohol and painkillers addiction located in Malibu, California. For further detail please click opiates withdrawal.

2011年6月20日 星期一

Secrets Of Sexual Addiction

Would You Like To Have The Best Sex Life Imaginable? Discover Bold, New Information That Will Change Your Sex Life Forever. High converting sales page for affiliates that includes 6 New Bonuses!

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Helping a Heroin Addict - How to Get Clean

One of the first questions I often get from heroin users is: "Is it really possible to end this addiction or will I be a drug addict for the rest of my life?"

The story in the UK in the field of drug rehab, is that heroin addicts are just not getting the help that they need and deserve. A drug addict is a person too. Friends and loved ones who once had hopes and inspirations.

This is failed help! How often did someone fail to help you or rather, betray you in its place?

The drug pusher tells you that the drug will help you feel better, have fun, be uninhibited, relax, act as a pain killer - but this is not help, this is betrayal. Drugs lead to addiction lead to ruined lives and a living hell. Just ask an addict.

A heroin addict can be anyone - dads, mums, contractors, lawyers, salespeople, musicians, engineers, bankers, shop owners, sons, daughters, children - heroin addicts are regular people caught in a trap.

It is so easy these days with the various forms of heroin available that it is no longer the old image of a junky with a needle in their arm. Today many addicts I speak to across the UK do not inject heroin they smoke or sniff or snort it.

Is there a way out of the trap of addiction? Many now believe that help is not possible but remember that maybe just today, you helped someone or someone helped you. Help is possible.

How to Get Clean - Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is - to restore or bring to a condition of health or useful and constructive activity AND to restore to a former state or capacity. This can be done with the heroin addict and obviously does not include alternate drug substitutes as an answer.

How To Get Clean - The Cause of Drug Cravings?

When you drink continuously or use drugs the body becomes super-saturated with metabolites (chemicals the body converts the drugs or alcohol into). These metabolites may become trapped in the fatty tissues and remain there for years. When released into the bloodstream they trigger drug and alcohol cravings. How do these drug metabolites get released? A simple jog to catch the bus, dancing, a hot day anything that gets your blood pumping. Your veins are surrounded by fatty tissue and so it doesn't take much. Suddenly you feel the urge to use, feel high, feel foggy, confused, dull, or simply focussed on nothing other than getting a fix.

How To Get Clean - Eliminating Drug Cravings

The right program will actually consist of detoxification as part of the rehabilitation. Meaning actually removing the poison (drug) or poisonous effect from the body. This is being achieved everyday. The result is a person free of drug and alcohol cravings, reduction or elimination of other addiction symptoms like depression, irritability, fatigue. Also, a regained ability to think more clearly, improved memory and attention span, increased energy and sense of well being and the kicker - Enthusiasm toward life!

A UK Success Story of Getting Clean

"I have completed the sauna program and without any doubts or reservations, I believe that my body and my mind feel cleansed. Physically I am stronger, no longer lethargic and so much more alert. Mentally, I am in fantastic shape and able to learn. The process of detoxification is something that I have needed for such a long time. My potential could never be truly fulfilled without mental clarity and physical strength, both of which I believe have been restored to me as a result of completing this part of the course. All my dreams and aspirations suddenly feel much more achievable. I can't remember when I last had such a positive outlook on life." J.D.

Would you like to help a loved one end addiction? Go to: http://www.detox-narconon.org

Paula Dewar is a professional rehab consultant and refers clients to Drug-free Detox and Rehab Programs which End Addiction for Life. Paula speaks English and Portuguese.

PS: To subscribe to our free newsletter giving our Latest Discoveries go to: http://www.detox-narconon.org/family-training/subscribe.php

2011年6月19日 星期日

Instant Addiction

Medical scientist, Joseph R DiFranza has spent the last ten years investigating nicotine addiction in new smokers.

He has found it normally takes very little experience of nicotine - in many cases as little as ONE cigarette - to change the brain, so that it stimulates the craving to smoke.

The survey followed 679 seventh graders - children about 11 years old - and tracked them for two and a half years, giving eight interviews during that time. By tracking their answers to a ten-question quiz that Dr. DiFranza developed - the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist - the researchers were able to see if the adolescents were addicted, and how long it took for their addiction to take root.

The checklist includes questions like -

*Do you ever have strong cravings to smoke?

*Do you smoke now because it is really hard to stop?

Any young person who answered yes to any of the ten questions was found to be 29 times more likely to fail if they were to try and quit. Also, those who answered yes were 44 times more likely to be smoking at the end of the study period, and 58 more times likely to have gone to smoking every day.

On average, the teenagers were only smoking two cigarettes a week when the first addiction symptoms appeared.

And, of these teenagers who experience addiction to smoking, 10% do so within two days of their first cigarette, and 25 - 35% show signs within a month.

The data completely upset conventional wisdom.

"We were quite shocked ourselves," Dr. DiFranza commented, "We thought that with the kids who were developing symptoms so quickly, we were going to the extreme examples. The opposite turned out to be true - kids that were developing symptoms of addiction within a few weeks of starting smoking were the rule rather than the exception.

Of all the adolescents who reported some symptoms of addiction, one third were only smoking once a month, and half were smoking once a week."

Even occasional teenage smokers can have the same symptoms of nicotine withdrawal that prompt adult smokers to light up again and again. "Some kids experience withdrawal symptoms earlier than others."

Once children start smoking, many rapidly lose autonomy over their behavior. They lose their freedom.

Studies of adolescent smokers show that symptoms of addiction, such as withdrawal, craving for cigarettes and failed attempts at quitting, can appear within the first weeks of smoking. Among the 217 inhalers, half had lost their freedom by the time they were smoking 7 cigarettes per month.

"They experienced withdrawal symptoms, which some rated as unbearable," DiFranza reported.

"Amazingly, in the early stages of addiction a single cigarette can suppress withdrawal symptoms for weeks, even though the nicotine has gone from the body in a day."

In other words, the impact of nicotine far outlasts its presence in the brain.

Factors that predicted addiction were an adventurous, novelty-seeking personality, a depressed mood, and familiarity with the cigarette advertising character Joe Camel.

Dr DiFranza's work has been confirmed by a dozen other studies in the last few years.

Peter Gray smoked over 30 cigarettes a day for nearly twenty years. Now he doesn't. Finishwithsmoking.com is a site dedicated to everyone who still thinks that it's difficult to quit smoking. It isn't. All you need is your mind in the right place. While researching for the site, he took a gamble and tried to smoke a cigarette. Couldn't get past the first puff.

2011年6月18日 星期六

Treatment Options for Prescription Drug Addiction

There is help available for people addicted to prescription drugs. There are countless inpatient and outpatient programs around the world that are specifically created to help people kick their drug addictions. These programs usually include detox centers, psychologists, and often include safe alternative substances to help curb withdrawal symptoms. The level of treatment needed depends on the length and severity of the addiction. It is important that people realize that some type of treatment or rehabilitation is always a good idea. It can be dangerous for an addict to try to quit taking drugs without any medical advice or intervention.

Inpatient treatment centers are the best option for people with severe addiction problems. These centers require that the patient live in the facility for a specified length of time while receiving treatment. Inpatient treatment centers can be extremely expensive, but they are sometimes covered by health insurance policies. The prescription drug addiction treatment provided by these facilities has several phases.

Outpatient prescription drug addiction centers are a great option for other people. If someone cannot afford to live in an inpatient facility, or if the problem is not so severe, outpatient treatment is a great alternative.

There are several components to a prescription drug addiction treatment. First is a period of detoxification, which is when the drug is slowly cleared out of the addict's body. This can be the most difficult part of the treatment. Withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that medical intervention is needed. At the very least, detox is time consuming and uncomfortable.

Another aspect of prescription drug addiction treatment is psychological counseling. This helps the recovering addict cope with a drug free lifestyle, and deal with any symptoms of withdrawal. Availability of emergency counseling is vital for keeping addicts from relapsing. Counseling helps the patient see how much better life is without the complications of a drug addiction. Counselors also help the patient figure out how to avoid situations that could lead to a relapse.

Many prescription drug addiction treatment programs give replacement drugs to patients who need them. Some of the most common drugs of this type are methadone, buprenorphine, and naloxone. These are safe alternatives to opioids; they can help curb withdrawal symptoms while helping the addict detoxify. Drug alternatives are usually only available for opioids and not for CNS depressants or stimulants.

It is vital that anyone who is addicted to prescription drugs gets treatment. Prescription drug addiction treatment helps the addicts to safely deal with their drug problems in a supervised and secure environment.

Prescription Drugs Addiction Info provides detailed information about prescription drug addition symptoms, treatment, statistics, and forums, as well as personal prescription drug addiction stories. Prescription Drugs Addiction Info is the sister site of Drug Testing Web.

2011年6月17日 星期五

World of Warcraft Addiction on the Hot Seat

World of Warcraft was made out of fascination for enchantments, power and mastery. Like any other online game previously released in the cyber world, addiction is not out in the hot seat.

Various reports were being posted on websites; reports of horrific effects WoW brought to the game addicts, reports of deaths associated to WoW addiction and still a lot more comments are being on the list as to how badly and deeply WoW affects the lives of the people, addicted or not.

It may seem less harmful, but as reality spread like wild fire, addiction to the game is closely related and is of equal value to a gambling, drinking or drug addiction problem. A better advice which concerns the player's sense of responsibility rocks the sail.

As being mentioned and noted, one way of testing yourself for any addiction symptom is to asked a friend or someone who is not, in any chance, involved in the game. Let that person have a statement as to whether you are addicted or seem to have an issue based on his own perception. If you are too anxious that his statement would have a bad reflection on you, then most probably, you already know you are having problems but just can't simply accept it. When denying is still a part of your vocabulary, then try reassessing yourself. Watch out for lost of interest in socialization, job, school, health or anything outside the game world that is once appealing to you.

While it is also a reality that treating this wide-spreading addiction is difficult, some countries particularly China was able to do something more purposeful than putting this mess in papers. An anti-online game system was put up to somehow put a pause to this matter. Cutting down benefits gained in a game after 3 hours of playing might as well force players to have a break.

Yet, the addiction still continues. A number of solutions might be at hand, but are proven to be of less success because the sole reason of addiction is not really being put into a stop. Seemingly true that this online game put players in the position of being in high spirit, enjoying every privilege of being what he is not in real life. More often than not, it brings people the thought of wanting to be what he thinks he is rather than on what he actually is. Should this continue, the cycle still goes on and no single anti-addiction game or good Samaritan assessment could put an end to this dilemma.

Did you know that 99% of players don't know the best ways to farm WOW gold? Farm WoW Gold is a free resource to show you best way. If you want to be in the top 1% then sign up for my free Farm WoW Gold Guide!

2011年6月16日 星期四

Gambling Addiction Symptoms

You are a compulsive gambler when you think of betting all the time and all you ever want is to spend your money. An obsessive gambler continues to bet money whether he or she wins or loses. Simply put, a gambler cannot keep himself from placing bets.

How do you recognize this type of gambler? This can be very challenging because most of the time this type of person can be very enigmatic. Nobody will see how heavily indebted he is except himself and not even those close to him.

Indicators of a compulsive gambler are classified into four categories: psychological distress, physical signs, social challenges and most of all financial struggles.

Psychological distress is brought about by depression, suicidal tendencies, and strong feelings of guilt, suspicions and inferiority complex. Physical signs are headache, weariness, shaking, sleeping disorders, extreme perspiration, memory loss and gastrointestinal problems.

Obsessive gamblers do not function well in social settings; they are withdrawn and secretive and end up inaccessible from friends.

A compulsive gambler often denies or tends to play down the addiction. Compulsive gambling will lead a person to scrounge for money from other people or from other places. This can lead to indebtedness which are often left unpaid and could be a cause of friction between family and friends.

A gambler will also make false statements where he or she has been or what he/she has been up to. This will give you reason to suspect of what he or she is engaged in.

Like any form of addiction, it can be hard to put a stop but it is treatable. Most of the time, this type of gambler knows that he/she is addicted to it. If you know of someone who is addicted to betting, talk to that person and let him/her know that you are there for them.

Talking is one way for the person to admit of his addiction and when show your support, that person will be encouraged to lead a normal life again. A word of support will do wonders for the self-esteem of an expert gambler and will also make them think of getting professional advice and guidance.

Of course this is only the first step in the process to kick your gambling habit for good. If you're looking to stop gambling now stop gambling and have not been successful in the past then click here to claim your free preview of Your Life Beyond Gambling. Beat that habit for good!

What Are Facebook Addiction Symptoms?

Are you inquiring about Facebook addiction symptoms? Do you want to know if you are addicted to Facebook? If you want to get the answer, try answering the following questions:

Do you play more than one game?

The objective of the games on Facebook is mainly to keep the person logged onto the site. A long hour addiction would mean you are playing a game. Farmville is a fun game meant to be addictive. The concept is that they reward you when you continue playing, and this makes you feel obliged to logon continuously and tend your crops. The same applies to Mob Wars; they are known as giant time gobblers and one will never realise the amount of time you have spent indoors.

Do you check your News Feed more than twice a day?

It is definitely good to keep in touch with your friends just to know how they are doing - but a few times a day is more than what is required. Time management is important; check it in the morning so that you can update yourself on things that happened when you were asleep. Thereafter check it once again at the end of the day. Try not to get too involved in other peoples' lives; get out and live your own. Why do you need to watch Facebook News Feed like a CNN News telecast?

Do you post more than one update a day?

If you do, they are most likely not post-worthy. Life is full of minute details, but do you need to say what you ate for lunch? These type of posts will make you unpopular on other people's News Feeds. Try to post something exciting that you did during the day. This will not make you an addict because you will log in only to post something interesting and not minute details of your life. This way, people will enjoy your updates and will know that you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Do you still interact with your friends in the real world?

Facebook is ideal to keep in touch with friends whom you are not able to spend much time in person. But if physical contact with your friends is being replaced with Facebook then you need to think it over. Meet up for a coffee or a movie. If you cannot meet up, make a personal call. This is healthy interaction, far better than a Facebook post.

Do you visit more than a few profiles per day?

In reality there is no need to visit the profiles of other people. If you feel that you are getting carried away in doing this, then its high time you switch off and get on with your normal lifestyle.

These are only the main Facebook addiction symptoms. Rihanio Amine can guide you to effectively treat your Facebook addiction. Learn more about the topic!

2011年6月15日 星期三

Marijuana Addiction - Is it For Real?

Marijuana addiction is a subject that got off to quite a bad start. Propaganda from the US government decades ago, when marijuana was relatively rare and most Americans had not tried it (unlike the current state of affairs, in which most Americans have taken a puff, and yes, mostly all of them did inhale), didn't really set the course for intelligent discussion based on - what do you call it? - oh yea,  the facts! Marijuana was akin to the devils weed, and all sorts of nasty tactics were used to demonize it, including strange racist propaganda, oddly enough.

Growing up taking DARE classes - (Drug Abuse Resistance Eduction) - most American kids are taught that marijuana is a drug you can addicted to, like other addictive drugs. Reality kicks in a few years later, when kids try marijuana for the first time, and by and large, they get high, and life goes on, and no one suffers from any sort of addiction nightmare.

But life is strange, and it's not as black and white as a DARE pamphlet, nor is it as free-going as a Cypress Hill song on the benefits of regularly "smoking up." There's a small percentage of regular smokers who freely note that they are addicted to marijuana. This is not something that even others who smoke regularly want to hear.  It's somewhat of a threat to the large majority of smokers who want marijuana use to become un-demonized, perhaps even legalized and regulated, when some users report that they are indeed marijuana addicts, tried and true.

What does it  mean for them when they say they are addicted?

The type of behavior noted as common includes a generalized feeling of anxiety that is only taken away when the user resumes smoking. Insomnia - not being able to fall asleep - is also common. Crankiness, uneasiness, and a tendency to just be no fun to be around if an addict hasn't smoked is something reported by many users, and, perhaps even more by their loved ones who have to be around them. Users report going through cold sweat like they've contracted the flue upon quitting. Some people report losing their appetite and feeling depressed.

Oh, and I forgot to mention another biggy - a complete compulsion to go out and get some marijuana and get really high in order to feel better.

So while the press, the smoker community, and drug researchers debate the specifics of marijuana addiction, some users down in the trenches are reporting the real deal - it does happen to some of them, and when it does, it is no fun.

If you are suffering from marijuana addiction, seek the treatment you deserve. Either on your own but with a firm conviction, sealed with a support group of family, friends, and other users who want to quit. Other options, if affordable, include going to an onsite marijuana addiction treatment facility. Help is available for those who are committed to quitting their marijuana addiction.

2011年6月14日 星期二

Pornography Addiction Symptoms

All behavioural addiction have symptoms that are signs you are in their clutches. Pornography addiction is no exception to this rule. So if you are worried about your own porn habits, or that of a loved one, then this article will shed some light on this subject to see who is in control, you or porn.

The list below of porn addiction signs and symptoms are quite common to most people addicted to pornography. Some are easy to see, some might not be so easy to notice, and you might not have all of these problems either. If you do think a number of these apply to yourself or a loved one though then there is a good chance they might be afflicted with this kind of addiction.

Your porn viewing habit becomes consistent and almost ritualistic in its method
You give up on social occasions just to view porn or engage in cybersex
You start giving up real sex for the fantasy of pornography
You start damaging your relationship with your lover, partner or spouse
You find you are hurting your friendships and relationships with family
You waste enormous amounts of time with porn and hardly notice the time slipping by
You begin to hurt your genitals from excessive masturbation
You spent way too much money on porn, porn sites, and porn paraphernalia
You begin to damage healthy sexual practices by seeking out more hardcore and strange [porn to get you aroused.
You develop shallow sexual relationships with other people online.
You find your spouse or lover to be less interesting sexually because they do not act like a porn star
You start taking extreme risks with porn like using it at work, or at other people's houses

There are many more, but these are some very common and easy to spot symptoms of porn addiction worth noting. It migth be a good idea to tally up just how many of these you notice in your life and really think on how porn is changing or controlling your actions. Would you rather be in control of your life and nto have these problems? Would you rather be free of porn no matter how small or large and impact it is having? Can you see that it is not just a harmless pastime - and can actually be damaging your relationships, finances, time and sexuality in a very bad way?

If you feel that you might be at risk of a full blow addiction to pornography due to these symptoms of porn, click below to discover more information, help, and advice to break this damaging habit forever.

Breaking Porn Addiction

2011年6月13日 星期一

Addiction Symptoms Explained

Addiction in general, whether substance or behavior, yields negative effective to the both the addicts and the people around them. The more substances or addictive activities affect and control your life, the more likely that you have gone from mere recreational use to addiction and dependency. Addiction symptoms can help you check where your engagement with substances or activities stand.

Individual experience of addiction varies, but addiction usually involve one or more of the following symptoms. However, addiction still has good grasp on you even if you don't have all the symptoms.

Tolerance - The human body is a great adaptation machine. This is bodily nature is usually what causes tolerance to develop. The longer you have engaged in addictive behavior, stronger is your endurance for its effects. Which is why you need to gradually engage more and more to come up with the desired effect.

Withdrawal - When an addict does not take substances or engage in the activity of addiction for too long a time, they experience discomforting and distressing symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms mainly has to do with the body's having developed dependency on either substances as drugs and alcohol, or activities like gambling, eating or watching porn.

Losing control over your substance use or addictive behavior - You often up engaging in your substance use or addictive activities more than you have intentionally planned. Even if you have a deep desire to cut down or totally suppress your addiction, you feel powerless and weak.

You have developed a clear obsession with your addiction - You have become preoccupied with the addiction that spend a lot of time engaging in, figuring out, how to enjoy more of it with frugal means, and recovering from addictive behavior. As you have become intently focused on the addiction, you forget your social and occupational responsibilities.

Course of action

Should you recognize yourself with the addiction symptoms enumerated above, it is more likely that you have developed a strong dependency to either substances or addictive behavior - or even worse, to both. There are a plethora of support groups and resources you can avail to help you with develop a plan to control and ultimately end your addiction before it's too late.

Having an understanding about the addiction symptoms and the different manifestations can give you a clear view whether your engagement still falls on the healthy side, or it has jumped into the hazardous side. It can help you better deal with your afflictions before your hit rock bottom.

Get free help to beat your unhealthy habit over at this info-packed addiction treatment resource.

Addiction Treatment Centers - How They Can Help?

Drug rehabilitation treatment happens to be one of the steps, which are most often prescribed by the doctors and counselors so that the addiction symptoms can be cured completely. These treatments also include preventive measures for the withdrawal effects, which are closely intervened with drug abuse. As a matter of fact, addiction treatment centers should be referred for this problem before the family and society is compelled to suffer severe consequences.

Available treatment options at the addiction treatment centers are plenty. In fact the settings for these treatments are decided looking at the requirements of the patient. Staying programs work out best solutions for this purpose. The length of an inpatient residential drug abuse treatment program can vary between 1 month and 1 year as per prerequisites.

As every individual has a different set of requirements, treatments designed for them should be different as far as duration is concerned. Some of them respond really well at the counseling sessions, both individual and group counseling and some require medication. Most suffer from withdrawal symptoms, which should be treated with equal care. Often people experience relapse of the addiction syndromes requiring prolonged treatment. Support from peers and friends help a great deal in combating these symptoms.

The family members and the staffs of the addiction treatment centers should understand the fact that the drug-addicted people are actually combating the reasons why they once got addicted to substance abuse. Hence, a good addiction treatment program must aim at resolving the problem from roots.

Treatment for alcohol and other drug addictions is possible. If you are looking for addiction treatment centers, we can help you. We specialize in helping people find successful drug rehab centers throughout the country that can help end addiction forever.

Contact us today under 1-877-372-5719 to speak with a counselor that can help!

2011年6月12日 星期日

Drug Addiction - Symptoms and Risks

Drug addiction or substance abuse is a physical-psychological disorder. It is characterized by an uncontrolled craving for a particular oral, inhalant or injected chemical. Dependence to the drug causes negative physical performance, erroneous judgment and, frequently, violence.

This is a very serious condition. It can cause permanent mental damage. Several illegal drugs can also destroy body organs. However, early diagnosis and rehabilitation can save lives from being destroyed. Family and friends should be aware of the symptoms of drug dependence.

Physical Manifestations

The usual signs are red eyes and irregular heartbeats. An abuser may experience abrupt and extreme weight changes. Some can grow really heavy while some lose weight rapidly.

Effects also vary, depending on the type of drug. Basically, drugs can be stimulants (uppers) or depressants. Changes in metabolism and nervous system activity may cause sleep disorders. Some sleep for more than 20 hours. Others do not sleep at all.

Some symptoms show up when the person misses drug intake. They will perspire a lot and they may have involuntary shaking.

Behavioral Changes

A person's focus and concentration is greatly retarded by drug dependence. This will cause poor performance at school or at work. Mood changes frequently occur. Sometimes, they can go very irritable and less tolerant of almost anything. Some can feel too tired or depressed while others become agitated and hyperactive.

Since illegal drugs don't come for free, it is noticeable how the abuser needs money. Their expenses usually exceed their budget. They can form suspicious behavior. Extreme cases are when they steal or get violent-just to get the substance.

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2011年6月11日 星期六

Trading Addicts Subscription

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Check it out!

Eliot Spitzer - A Reflection Of Sexual Addiction

When the news broke about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's alleged involvement with a prostitute the nation was inundated with newspaper reports expressing shock and confusion. Politicians, corporate executives, and various other pundits were outraged by Spitzer's behavior? And healthcare providers began scratching their heads at the apparent level of ignorance about addictive behavior that these responses demonstrated.

In fact, Spitzer's behavior is a classic reflection of a particular kind of addiction known as sex addiction.

In the addictions recovery field providers refer to the "insanity" of the addict. They define this as a way of thinking that compels the addict to continually make choices harmful to self and others yet denying consciously or unconsciously to self that such choices will have any significantly negative impact. In Spitzer's case he continually made choices despite the enormous risks involved-- risks that included divorce, alienation from children, loss of employment, legal charges, disease, blackmail, and personal humiliation.

Obviously from the news this kind of behavior now confounds many people. They do not understand what propels a person to act so irresponsibly that he ends up egregiously hurting self and loved ones. Many are casting criticisms, judgment and expressions of glee with no understanding or interest that Spitzer's behavior reflects a deeply painful and unmanageable internal state of being very likely driven by formative experiences that compromised a healthy sense of self and others.

Such a painful state is at the root of sexual addiction. Healthy individuals need to feel a positive sense of connection with self and to know that they are able to manage their lives. Our ability to experience this grows out of our interactions throughout childhood with our primary caretakers and are shaped by the extent to which we experience a sense of safety, a sense of feeling loveable, and a sense of feeling competent.

When we do not have enough of these experiences growing up we become adults who suffer a host of problems that include negative beliefs about ourselves, a generalized state of anxiety and/or depression, feelings of grandiosity, loneliness, a need to please or be pleased, and a need to dominate or be dominated. A pervasive sense of inadequacy is central to these states and addiction is a means to manage the pain of it.

The seeming effectiveness of sexually addictive behavior to ameliorate such intense pain lies in the emotional shift that occurs. The sexual behavior triggers a mood-altering state that gives the addict temporary relief from emotional pain and a euphoric sense of excitement. And in the case of prostitution, the male or female prostitute is simply a means by which the addict can experience the excitement, sense of power, and the feeling of connection that he is otherwise unable to experience in his life.

Governor Spitzer wielded enormous power in his political life, and he presented the embodiment of a dedicated, effective, productive and respected civil servant. Yet despite all this his sexual behavior indicates that he was unable to consistently experience an internal sense of confidence, loving connection, and healthy control. Perhaps he would deny this. What he cannot deny are the enormous losses he and his family suffered as the result of his sexual behavior.

At the very least, Governor Spitzer has an opportunity now to be curious about his choices, to recognize how little healthy power he demonstrated over his behavior, and to seek out understanding and help with making healthier choices in the future. These are the critical first steps for all those painfully caught up in sexual addiction. To do so offers profound and deeply healing experiences that lead to compassionate understanding and forgiveness, a world full of loving friends and family, and a life robustly lived with grace and dignity.

?Patti Desert 2008 All Rights Reserved

Ms. Desert is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Baltimore, MD with a holistic private practice and specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, trauma, and associated addictions. For more information please visit her web site at http://www.singular-pathways.com

2011年6月10日 星期五

Computer Internet Addiction

In some places in the world, computer internet addiction is a very alarmingly widespread condition. It is a fact that there are now organizations and counsellors which have been specifically set up to deal exclusively with those people who are addicted to the internet and to the computer. These organizations and counsellors are very similar to the well-known and well-established Alcoholics Anonymous.

There are a few different channels of computer internet addiction, through which people can become addicted. However, there are just a few that are synonymous as the most addictive, these are: chat rooms, online games, computer games in general and the more injurious, gambling and pornography. By their very nature, the last two categories could cause irreparable damage to family life.

With regards to computer games, there are two types: online and offline. As a general rule, offline games are less addictive than online games because the player is competing with the computer itself, with online games they are playing against a real person and therefore it becomes more competitive and computer internet addiction takes place. Many people become totally immersed in the gaming worlds and consequently become addicted to the fantasy these worlds bring. The most addictive online games are the ones where the game never ends and the player is constantly trying to upgrade his character. There are several of these games online.

The seemingly harmless chat rooms are also highly addictive. For people who are anti social, shy or have a low self-esteem in the real world can easily become addicted to chat rooms because they are able to express their character from behind a barrier - the computer screen. A chat room addict can be the sort of person he or she wants to be and very rarely does the chat room addict ever meet their online friends for fear of losing their online persona. Many real relationships have been ruined because of people having a computer internet addiction to chat rooms.

Possibly, the most serious of all computer internet addictions are the online pornography and online casinos. Online gambling and online pornography are multi billion dollar businesses which is at the expense of those addicts who are drawn into the virtual world of gambling and pornography. In the case of online casinos, a gambler can lose vast amounts of money in seconds from the comfort of his or her own living room. Sadly, it is these sorts of addiction that can have dire consequences with the prospect of losing one's home, family or business and in the most extreme cases, the taking of their own life.

Computer internet addiction is very real and needs to be tackled at the onset. First, we must understand why people do become addicted to the internet and what sort of changes need to be undertaken to their personality or life-style for the changes to become effective. It is only with understanding of computer internet addiction that we can finally overcome this alarmingly increasing problem. It is only by facing head-on, the needs of the addict that this problem can be solved.

http://www.computeraddictionanswers.com provides information on everything related to Computer Addiction. If you stop by our site you will get some education in different forms of computer addiction. Be sure to check out our page on computer internet addiction

2011年6月9日 星期四

Food Obsession and Exercise Addiction Symptoms

My ability to achieve a high level of physical fitness while maintaining an active social life by attaining a sensible balance between exercise and lifestyle is something about which I am rather proud. But recently, I believe I have slipped into my old habits of food obsession and exercise addiction. This is something I discovered once I caught myself centering my life around workouts and dieting, and pushing social engagements to the periphery.

Those suffering from exercise addiction are those who are forcefully compelled to workout between 5 and 7 times weekly. Someone who becomes incapable of indulging in a day of rest likely suffers from an exercise addiction. Upon first glance, it may seem that you are simply committed to maintaining your regimen. But, in order to prevent injury and overuse of muscles, days of rest are critical. Furthermore, it is important to examine the fundamental reasons you have for exercising regularly. Anyone who battles constant unhappiness with their body image or a fear that allowing the body a day of rest will result in undesirable weight gain is probably afflicted by exercise addiction.

Not unlike exercise addiction, food obsession is a condition centered on self esteem and body image. This problem often begins with a sense that one's outward appearance is always lacking. In severe cases, food obsession can result in harmful eating disorders. My credentials are insufficient to thoroughly discuss a food obsession of that sort. But, I can certainly explain the food obsession I am presently confronting and the ways in which it impacts my lifestyle.

I began to face a food obsession problem when I decided that my body fat should measure lower than ten percent. But, the question remained as to the lengths to which I would go to achieve that goal. I do not work in modeling. I am not a fitness competitor of any kind. During the current colder months, only my wife and I are likely to see very much of my body. The conclusion I have reached is that a 10 percent body fat measurement affords me a similar level of health as would a 7 percent measurement. The pain and struggle that result from exercise and food obsessions simply do not pay sufficient dividends for me.

Though ongoing battles with exercise addiction and food obsessions can be quite troubling, brief bursts of intense focus on these areas can provide some benefit. Anyone needing to quickly shed pounds for a special event can likely safely indulge in a temporary obsession about diet and exercise. Also, anyone just beginning an uphill weight loss battle can benefit from an intense period of focus on what they eat and how often they exercise. The key is to make certain that you do not become entangled in exercise addition or food obsession that lasts for extended periods of time.

About the Author: Dave provides no-nonsense "best of the best" diet and exercise tips to lose fat and build lean, defined muscle without spending hours in the gym. There's no point in using a bodybuilder routine to get a fitness model physique. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about exercise addiction and food obsession, and download a FREE copy of Dave's Fitness in a Flash report to help get a lean, athletic look in no time. http://www.notyouraveragefitnesstips.com

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2011年6月8日 星期三

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse

There are many signs and symptoms through which you can understand that your loved one is addicted to drug abuse or not. The signs and symptoms of substance abuse vary from person to person and his level of addiction and to the type of the substance he is addicted to. If you suspect that your loved is into drug abuse, the following signs and symptoms will let you confirm if he is addicted or not.

Change in behavior
Stays aloof from family members
Stays away from normal friends and mingles more with addicts.
Loss or change of appetite
Change in sleeping patterns i.e. stays awake at night and sleeps throughout the day.
Poor hygiene and lack of interest in personal grooming
Easily becomes victim to illness
Experiences tiredness and weakness.
Loss of balance causing the addict to fall frequently and meet accidents
No interest in hobbies and favorite activities
Contracts skin infections easily.

If you find your loved one experiencing the above mentioned signs and symptoms, your duty is to advise him to get control of his addiction and stop it so that he does not face life-threatening consequences.

Even though the addict claims to have a limited dose of substance and maintain that he is completely in control of it, he can get addicted to it when he experiences physical, mental or emotional problems in life. He will start consuming more amount of substance in order to get the same kind of pleasurable effects.

Once addicted to substance, the addict can suffer from withdrawal symptoms if he tries to stop his addiction and start consuming more drugs than before. Signs and symptoms of substance abuse are meant to alert you that your loved is in need of help. The best way to provide him help is advising him to join a rehab center to win over his addiction.

Treatment for alcohol and other drug addictions is possible. If you are looking for addiction treatment centers, we can help you. We specialize in helping people find successful drug rehab centers throughout the country that can help end addiction forever.

Contact us today under 1-877-372-5719 to speak with a counselor that can help!

2011年6月7日 星期二

How to Recognize and Stop Sugar Addiction Symptoms

If you want to beat your sugar addiction the first thing you need to do is know if that is really what's going on. I am a recovering sugar addict; a self proclaimed expert on how to stop your sugar addiction. I believe the beginning of any recovery begins with awareness. I assume if you are reading this you have an awareness something is wrong in your eating behavior. The following are sugar addiction symptoms and some suggestions to beat your sugar addiction.

1) Do you feel tired after a meal?

2) Do you sleep well at night?

3) Do you binge at night?

4) Do you start to think about eating something sweet at the same time every day?

5) Are you fat? Does the fat center on your waist?

6) Do you skip meals and save your calories for one big binge?

7) Is your blood pressure or cholesterol elevated?

8) Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic.

9) Do you hide food?

10) Do you feel ashamed of how much and what you eat?

How many are true for you? If you answered yes to two or more you may be an addict. If you answered yes to three or more you definitely have a problem. But that's ok. So did I and I am now free. And if I can break free so can you.

Here are some ideas that work for me. I still use them because like any other addiction you are not cured. You can have a reprieve or remission but if you start up again so will the problem.

1) Learn what foods are high glycemic and avoid them.

2) If you do eat something high glycemic always eat a protein with it.

3) Never use artificial sweeteners. If I want something sweet I will choose something that releases slowly in my system. I will choose raw sugar rather than refined sugar. I use black strap molasses and some mashed up bananas when baking. Not only will they give you less of a blood sugar rush but they actually have some nutritional value.

4) Eat super foods every 2 ? - 3 hours but be mindful of the portion size. This will give you sustained energy and avoid the sense of starving and turning into a wolf.

5) Write down what and when you eat.

6) Drink a lot of pure, clean water - 80 oz. minimum per day.

7) If you eat too much let it go. You aren't what you eat. Overeating does not make you a bad person.

8) Understand the results of food binging: feeling tired, weight gain, feels of shame and failure, heavy cravings the day after. The results might be different for you but know them and accept them. Understand they are part of the eating experience for you. There are times - like car camping - when I live on junk. I know it. I do it. I feel sick from it but I just accept that as part of the car camping experience. I live with the full reality of what will happen when I make a choice to give in to my addiction.

9) Accept you have an addiction.

10) Never go on a diet! 98% of diets fail. Only make changes that you can do forever.

It sounds as if I'm saying you will never beat your sugar addiction and in some ways I am. Once you are a sugar addict you will always be susceptible to sugar cravings. At least that is my experience. I say know it and accept it. You will never stop your sugar addiction but you can stop the sugar addiction symptoms. Give it a try. It is possible to break your sugar addiction and lose your sugar cravings even if you are still a sugar addict.

Jeremy Hickling lives in Seattle with his wife Jan and their 4 daughters. He has over 20 years of fitness and weight loss experience. You can get a FREE copy of his weight loss guide at: http://SimpleandSafeWeightLoss.com

His personal struggle with weight gain inspired him to learn the facts about how people gain weight and how people can easily lose weight and keep weight off without dieting. Begin shifting your lifestyle habits today and start losing weight NOW!

Download your own FREE copy of 'Lose Weight Forever - Weight Loss Tips That Work' - and learn more about how to Lose food cravings forever!

Porn Addiction Symptoms

It is safe to say that almost all people who use the internet on a regular basis have been exposed at least once to internet porn. The online porn business is booming and there are countless sites depicting the entire range of pornographic acts, from voyeurism to bondage to simulated rape. For some people, online pornography has become an addiction.

Just as people can become addicted to drinking, gambling or drug use, people can and do become addicted to online pornography. People will find themselves visiting certain sites on a regular and increasing basis to get their fix. If a person is addicted to pornography there can be manifestations of this addiction that can affect his or her daily life in a negative manner. Porn addiction symptoms can include:

Selfish and aloof behavior

Withdrawal from social contact

Feelings of depression and inadequacy

Excessive masturbation

Relationship problems

Sexual dysfunction

Many people who become addicted to porn find themselves preoccupied with the pornography throughout the day, counting down the hours until they have a chance to get their next fix. Frequently, porn addiction symptoms will include excessive masturbation, which can eventually lead to deeper physical and emotional problems. Of all porn addiction symptoms, excessive masturbation can have some of the most significant consequences as it can potentially sexually alienate one from one's spouse, causing marital problems.

In all, porn addiction can be a very destructive pattern and a serious issue. In many cases, people with porn addiction symptoms are able to get help by going to counselors or therapists who specialize in sexual addiction.

Find out more at the porn addiction blog written by this author

2011年6月6日 星期一

Opiate Addiction Symptoms and Signs

Opiate addiction is an insidious problem that has plagued society for centuries, but perhaps never more so than today. A two-edged sword, opiates can heal or destroy.

An opiate is any drug derived from the opium poppy plant. The main opiates are morphine, heroin, and codeine.

Thebaine and papaverine are also opiates. More commonly we see opiates in their synthetic forms: oxycodone (OxyContin, Percodan), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and hydromorphone (Dilaudid). Darvon, Demerol, and Methadone are other synthetic opiates. The majority of these drugs are used medically for pain management.

Opiates are particularly effective in suppressing pain and reducing anxiety. In sufficiently high doses, they can produce a euphoric state. For this reason, they are often used as recreational drugs. Psychological and physical dependence leading to addiction is common in frequent opiate users. The body quickly adjusts to the use of opiates such that increasingly larger doses are needed to produce the same euphoric effect. Overdosing, sometimes resulting in fatal respiratory failure, occurs when addicts take more than their body can handle.

Most opiates can be swallowed, snorted, smoked, or injected. Intravenous injection is the preferred method of longtime addicts as this method produces the quickest, most intense high. It is also a method accompanied by increased risk of infectious disease.

Physically, the effects of opiates include dry mouth; muscle spasticity; slow, shallow or labored breathing; pupil dilation; stomach and intestinal spasms; constipation; low blood pressure; and diminished mental capacity, drowsiness, and disorientation. A common behavior of the opiate addict is the nodding in and out of consciousness.

Opiate addicts are emotionally detached. Thus, dependents of addicts are often neglected and sometimes abused.

Addicts have a difficult time reporting regularly to jobs and even keeping them. Since they cannot function without the drug, looking for it, paying for it, using it, and enjoying its effects become first and foremost in their priority.

Other needs are a poor second. Since funds are usually not commensurate to the need and desire, stealing and other criminal behavior are often parts of the addict's lifestyle.

Withdrawal from addiction to opiates can include hot and cold flashes, goose bumps, extreme restlessness, anxiety, muscle spasms, tremors, muscle and bone ache, insomnia, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Fortunately, there are many opiate dependency treatment programs available. Before anything else, detoxification is needed. In the opiate addiction detox center, a longtime user can begin the process of eliminating the toxins from one's body in a regulated environment where medical practitioners are available to monitor any adverse effects of withdrawal.

Some opiate addiction rehab centers administer medications such as methadone or buprenorphine to ease the pain of withdrawal. After the physical cleansing, the tough work of self-transformation begins. Opiate addiction rehabs offer counseling and behavior modification strategies and techniques to enable the recovering patient to sustain a drug-free lifestyle long after he's left the opiate addiction rehab center.

Through counseling sessions, the patient discovers the emotional and environmental factors that trigger his cravings, and he learns how to avoid these or control them. Realizing that the treatment for opiate dependency is far from over, even when the rehabilitated opiate addict returns to society, opiate addiction treatment centers connect him to support groups and family outreach programs to assist him and his family in rebuilding their lives.

Finding the best opiate addiction detox center is a necessity in today's world. Realizing the fact the author of this article has analyzed the addiction to opiates. He knows how to find the best rehab centers. He has helped many people to find the best programs available out there.