All behavioural addiction have symptoms that are signs you are in their clutches. Pornography addiction is no exception to this rule. So if you are worried about your own porn habits, or that of a loved one, then this article will shed some light on this subject to see who is in control, you or porn.
The list below of porn addiction signs and symptoms are quite common to most people addicted to pornography. Some are easy to see, some might not be so easy to notice, and you might not have all of these problems either. If you do think a number of these apply to yourself or a loved one though then there is a good chance they might be afflicted with this kind of addiction.
Your porn viewing habit becomes consistent and almost ritualistic in its method
You give up on social occasions just to view porn or engage in cybersex
You start giving up real sex for the fantasy of pornography
You start damaging your relationship with your lover, partner or spouse
You find you are hurting your friendships and relationships with family
You waste enormous amounts of time with porn and hardly notice the time slipping by
You begin to hurt your genitals from excessive masturbation
You spent way too much money on porn, porn sites, and porn paraphernalia
You begin to damage healthy sexual practices by seeking out more hardcore and strange [porn to get you aroused.
You develop shallow sexual relationships with other people online.
You find your spouse or lover to be less interesting sexually because they do not act like a porn star
You start taking extreme risks with porn like using it at work, or at other people's houses
There are many more, but these are some very common and easy to spot symptoms of porn addiction worth noting. It migth be a good idea to tally up just how many of these you notice in your life and really think on how porn is changing or controlling your actions. Would you rather be in control of your life and nto have these problems? Would you rather be free of porn no matter how small or large and impact it is having? Can you see that it is not just a harmless pastime - and can actually be damaging your relationships, finances, time and sexuality in a very bad way?
If you feel that you might be at risk of a full blow addiction to pornography due to these symptoms of porn, click below to discover more information, help, and advice to break this damaging habit forever.