Drug addiction or substance abuse is a physical-psychological disorder. It is characterized by an uncontrolled craving for a particular oral, inhalant or injected chemical. Dependence to the drug causes negative physical performance, erroneous judgment and, frequently, violence.
This is a very serious condition. It can cause permanent mental damage. Several illegal drugs can also destroy body organs. However, early diagnosis and rehabilitation can save lives from being destroyed. Family and friends should be aware of the symptoms of drug dependence.
Physical Manifestations
The usual signs are red eyes and irregular heartbeats. An abuser may experience abrupt and extreme weight changes. Some can grow really heavy while some lose weight rapidly.
Effects also vary, depending on the type of drug. Basically, drugs can be stimulants (uppers) or depressants. Changes in metabolism and nervous system activity may cause sleep disorders. Some sleep for more than 20 hours. Others do not sleep at all.
Some symptoms show up when the person misses drug intake. They will perspire a lot and they may have involuntary shaking.
Behavioral Changes
A person's focus and concentration is greatly retarded by drug dependence. This will cause poor performance at school or at work. Mood changes frequently occur. Sometimes, they can go very irritable and less tolerant of almost anything. Some can feel too tired or depressed while others become agitated and hyperactive.
Since illegal drugs don't come for free, it is noticeable how the abuser needs money. Their expenses usually exceed their budget. They can form suspicious behavior. Extreme cases are when they steal or get violent-just to get the substance.
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