If you want to beat your sugar addiction the first thing you need to do is know if that is really what's going on. I am a recovering sugar addict; a self proclaimed expert on how to stop your sugar addiction. I believe the beginning of any recovery begins with awareness. I assume if you are reading this you have an awareness something is wrong in your eating behavior. The following are sugar addiction symptoms and some suggestions to beat your sugar addiction.
1) Do you feel tired after a meal?
2) Do you sleep well at night?
3) Do you binge at night?
4) Do you start to think about eating something sweet at the same time every day?
5) Are you fat? Does the fat center on your waist?
6) Do you skip meals and save your calories for one big binge?
7) Is your blood pressure or cholesterol elevated?
8) Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic.
9) Do you hide food?
10) Do you feel ashamed of how much and what you eat?
How many are true for you? If you answered yes to two or more you may be an addict. If you answered yes to three or more you definitely have a problem. But that's ok. So did I and I am now free. And if I can break free so can you.
Here are some ideas that work for me. I still use them because like any other addiction you are not cured. You can have a reprieve or remission but if you start up again so will the problem.
1) Learn what foods are high glycemic and avoid them.
2) If you do eat something high glycemic always eat a protein with it.
3) Never use artificial sweeteners. If I want something sweet I will choose something that releases slowly in my system. I will choose raw sugar rather than refined sugar. I use black strap molasses and some mashed up bananas when baking. Not only will they give you less of a blood sugar rush but they actually have some nutritional value.
4) Eat super foods every 2 ? - 3 hours but be mindful of the portion size. This will give you sustained energy and avoid the sense of starving and turning into a wolf.
5) Write down what and when you eat.
6) Drink a lot of pure, clean water - 80 oz. minimum per day.
7) If you eat too much let it go. You aren't what you eat. Overeating does not make you a bad person.
8) Understand the results of food binging: feeling tired, weight gain, feels of shame and failure, heavy cravings the day after. The results might be different for you but know them and accept them. Understand they are part of the eating experience for you. There are times - like car camping - when I live on junk. I know it. I do it. I feel sick from it but I just accept that as part of the car camping experience. I live with the full reality of what will happen when I make a choice to give in to my addiction.
9) Accept you have an addiction.
10) Never go on a diet! 98% of diets fail. Only make changes that you can do forever.
It sounds as if I'm saying you will never beat your sugar addiction and in some ways I am. Once you are a sugar addict you will always be susceptible to sugar cravings. At least that is my experience. I say know it and accept it. You will never stop your sugar addiction but you can stop the sugar addiction symptoms. Give it a try. It is possible to break your sugar addiction and lose your sugar cravings even if you are still a sugar addict.
Jeremy Hickling lives in Seattle with his wife Jan and their 4 daughters. He has over 20 years of fitness and weight loss experience. You can get a FREE copy of his weight loss guide at: http://SimpleandSafeWeightLoss.com
His personal struggle with weight gain inspired him to learn the facts about how people gain weight and how people can easily lose weight and keep weight off without dieting. Begin shifting your lifestyle habits today and start losing weight NOW!
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