If you want to know if you or a loved-one is indeed an alcoholic or drug addict - it's important that you know what the drug addiction signs and alcoholism symptoms are.
Now I could give you a whole list of bulleted signs here, but I'm not going to do that (if you want that feel free to visit my website) - because rather than give you a whole bunch of symptoms, I want to give you what I believe is the most telling one.
Most people think alcoholism or drug addiction is a function of how much you drink or how often you use drugs. I don't think that's the case however.
It will of course be obvious to you at certain times that a person is suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. A drug addict for example will be so advanced in their addiction that their life simply revolves around their habit and doing anything else is almost impossible.
Similarly the alcoholic will be so far down the road with their alcoholism that they don't have a life anymore - it's totally fallen apart - relationships, job, practically everything.
However, many suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, aren't that advanced yet with their addiction. Therefore you want to recognise the symptoms of drug addiction and alcoholism early.
So the most important sign of alcoholism or drug addiction - is that your life starts to become effected by your using or drinking - and that you are increasingly struggling to cope with things on a daily basis.
You begin to become more preoccupied about your next drink or when you'll use again, relationships begin to suffer, everyday stuff like work becomes more of a struggle - and so drinking or taking drugs becomes an emotional comfort that feels like it helps you manage better.
The problem is, that it is usually difficult to pick up on this alcoholism or drug addiction symptom, because it happens quickly and if often subtle. Denial usually prevents you seeing what is happening in your own case unless you are able to be really honest with yourself - or if it's a person you care about, look out for changes in attitude, behaviour or mood.
There are numerous alcoholism symptoms are drug addiction signs - but if you can pick up on this one and hopefully catch it early - a successful recovery will be far easier.
For additional Info and Advice, visit Carl-Peter's website. So if you think you or someone you care about may be showing Symptoms of Drug Addiction, try this Drug Addiction Symptoms Test. For Alcoholism Symptoms, try this Alcoholism Test. Plus you can Download his Free Book on Addictions by clicking on either of the links and visiting his website.