2011年6月16日 星期四

What Are Facebook Addiction Symptoms?

Are you inquiring about Facebook addiction symptoms? Do you want to know if you are addicted to Facebook? If you want to get the answer, try answering the following questions:

Do you play more than one game?

The objective of the games on Facebook is mainly to keep the person logged onto the site. A long hour addiction would mean you are playing a game. Farmville is a fun game meant to be addictive. The concept is that they reward you when you continue playing, and this makes you feel obliged to logon continuously and tend your crops. The same applies to Mob Wars; they are known as giant time gobblers and one will never realise the amount of time you have spent indoors.

Do you check your News Feed more than twice a day?

It is definitely good to keep in touch with your friends just to know how they are doing - but a few times a day is more than what is required. Time management is important; check it in the morning so that you can update yourself on things that happened when you were asleep. Thereafter check it once again at the end of the day. Try not to get too involved in other peoples' lives; get out and live your own. Why do you need to watch Facebook News Feed like a CNN News telecast?

Do you post more than one update a day?

If you do, they are most likely not post-worthy. Life is full of minute details, but do you need to say what you ate for lunch? These type of posts will make you unpopular on other people's News Feeds. Try to post something exciting that you did during the day. This will not make you an addict because you will log in only to post something interesting and not minute details of your life. This way, people will enjoy your updates and will know that you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Do you still interact with your friends in the real world?

Facebook is ideal to keep in touch with friends whom you are not able to spend much time in person. But if physical contact with your friends is being replaced with Facebook then you need to think it over. Meet up for a coffee or a movie. If you cannot meet up, make a personal call. This is healthy interaction, far better than a Facebook post.

Do you visit more than a few profiles per day?

In reality there is no need to visit the profiles of other people. If you feel that you are getting carried away in doing this, then its high time you switch off and get on with your normal lifestyle.

These are only the main Facebook addiction symptoms. Rihanio Amine can guide you to effectively treat your Facebook addiction. Learn more about the topic!

