2011年6月26日 星期日

Addiction Suspicions and Solutions

How do you know if you are truly addicted; and what do you do if you discover you have become addicted to any form of drugs?

Depending on the type of drug, signs and symptoms of addiction may vary. There are some general signs and symptoms which may indicate drug addiction. General characteristics include easily recognizable signs of addiction.

If you feel you need the drug regularly or that you need it many times each day, this is an indication of addiction. If you have feelings like not being able to survive without the drug; or have tried to quit using it several times with no success this also is a sign of addiction. Another indicator of an addiction to any drug is when you feel like you just cannot deal with your problems without it readily available for use. Any of these scenarios indicate a serious addiction to a drug.

There may be any one of many reasons one became addicted to any drug. No one wakes up one morning and decides to become an addict. If you have a family history of drug addiction you have a higher probability of abusing drugs. If you have a history of mental illness, you are in a higher risk category. Peer pressure is a huge factor, especially in younger subjects. Someone who has untreated pain, or uncontrolled pain, is very susceptible to drug abuse. There are many other factors which can cause one to be more susceptible to drug abuse. Depression or sleeplessness is just two situations which may propel someone into dependency on drugs.

Many options are available for those who feel they have addictions. The first step in recovery is to realize there is a problem which needs attention. Unless this first step is taken, other steps toward recovery are useless. Once the situation is realized and faced it can then be dealt with in a healthy manner.

Recovery is a lifelong process. There are many ways to deal with it. You will need help from outside. A mentor or friend who has successfully been through a drug rehab program and has been successful in beating the addiction in his own life is an excellent resource. Dealing with drug use is an ongoing process. There must be a reprogramming of coping skills and ways of dealing with everyday life. Your body, brain and emotions all need to go through the process of relearning.

There are many sources available as one progress toward recovery. A good support group is a must! Many times professional help is needed and perhaps a rehabilitation program. Wherever one chooses to go for help, strong family and friend support is imperative for a healthy recovery process. A little research will unveil many sources available for those addicted to drugs on any level; and for friends and family of those who are addicted.

To read more about symptoms and how to overcome drug, alcohol, or masturbation addiction then visit the comprehensive addiction site.

