Whether you're a weed user yourself or a friend or family member of someone who is, there are early pot addiction symptoms that you can detect. While most first time users don't feel anything, they are most likely to try pot again when the opportunity comes up. Sometimes called a "gateway" drug, weed is not something that can be taken lightly as most people think. Once you get into it for the long term, it will take more hits to get that "satisfying" high. And when you don't have it, it's much worse. Here are some signs potheads need to be aware of, before it's too late.
1. You're Behaving more Irrationally Without It
One major pot addiction sign you can't ignore is the psychological factor. Once you become more irritated, angrier or more depressed when you don't get high, you're in big trouble. No longer a social user, you've already crossed the line way past your old, normal life. You might find that friends and family are getting more concerned about you, or worse avoiding you altogether. And it doesn't even seem to bother you one bit.
2. Your Friends are ALL Weed Smokers
You know you have a serious pot addiction if you begin to hang out with the wrong crowd all the time. You begin to feel that they're the only people worth talking to. Like they're the only ones who can "understand" you. These people start to have a bigger influence in your life as you begin to shut out other more positive social contacts. You begin to miss out on family events, skip out on classes more or take days off work more often.
3. You Plan Everything Around Smoking Weed
Another pot addiction symptom is when you begin to schedule your activities around getting high. Either you take a hit after a meal or before going to bed, or you have regular pot sessions with other people. It's the first thing you do when you wake up or before sleeping at night. You feel that you're not up for anything or want to do anything unless you get a puff first.
4. You Start Having a Weekly Budget for Pot
When pot addiction hits, the first thing that gets trashed is your wallet. If you used to get joints casually from friends, you notice its getting harder for anyone to give you a free one. And this causes you to beg, borrow or steal just to have enough for your regular highs. You'll even start looking for small change when you feel the urge to smoke. What's scary about this is you begin to get wracked with guilt when you start using up money meant for more important things like rent, tuition or food.
If you notice any of these pot addiction signs, seek professional help immediately. While some people claim they have walked away from weed without any consequences, you can never be too sure if you'll be just as lucky. Stay safe.
Read On and Find Out More About the Signs and Symptoms of Pot Addiction.